Indian YouTuber Killed 79 year old Nepali men: Jatt Prabhjot Accident in Nepal Update
Anish PrasaiWednesday, October 26, 20220
Jatt Prabhjot killed an old man in Nepal
The photo was taken from the accident location in Gajuri, Dhading.
Oct 25, Wednesday
A moto vlogger who has more than 2.8 million subscribers was traveling to Nepal on his first international ride on Kawasaki H2 and met an accident near Gajuri, Dhading. According to the source, He is fine and he had a small injury but a person who was walking on the road was killed.
The cause of the accident was Overspeed. According to the eyewitness, he was riding in over speed and hit a 79 years old man named Sur Bahadur Dhital.
Jatt Prabhojot was immediately taken to the hospital after the accident. His treatment is going on in Kathmandu. He will be taken into custody as soon as his treatment completes.